Paid Leave For All x Glamour - Get Your Sh*t Together, Baby

Paid Leave For All x Glamour

Get Your Sh*t Together, Baby

Thanks to America’s lack of a federal paid leave policy, 1 in 4 American women have had to return to work just two weeks after giving birth. Which means if our nation is unwilling to give new parents the time to raise their newborns, maybe we should help those newborns become independent adults today.

Created in partnership between Paid Leave for All, Glamour and Mother, “Get Your Sh*t Together, Baby” is a new public awareness campaign featuring a series of satirical kinesthetic baby books. These books “teach” newborns everything they need to care for themselves when their parents have been forced back to work, from boiling water for their own bottle, to getting into debt to pay for their own care.

It’s ridiculous to think a two-week old baby can learn to cook. But the issue itself is no less ridiculous.

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